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FREE APP TRIAL - start saving today
FREE APP TRIAL - start saving today
LOCAL 2 FOR 1 SAVINGS - download the App today
SPEND LESS - save more
LOCAL 2 FOR 1 SAVINGS - download the App today
LOCAL SAVINGS - redeemable from your phone
LOCAL 2 FOR 1 SAVINGS - download the App today
LOCAL SAVINGS - redeemable from your phone
LOCAL 2 FOR 1 SAVINGS - download the App today
LOCAL SAVINGS - redeemable from your phone
SPEND LESS - save more
LOCAL SAVINGS - redeemable from your phone

Saving you money while helping your community

Whatever you're shopping for, we've got the best offers and discount codes to help you save money. From restaurant offers and fashion discounts to savings on days out, gyms and even utilities - we've got you covered!

We have an amazing team of people working hard to secure the biggest exclusive offers just for you. And even better, we guarantee every single one of them works.

So what are you waiting for? Start saving today!

Spot On Savings helps your community

Spot On Savings is successfully helping raise funds for local schools, sports teams, community groups, and charities. It’s one of the best ways to fundraise. It is quick, easy and profitable and involves no risk or upfront investment at all.

We supply you with a stock of Spot On Savings membership cards, then using the app they can gain access to thousands of pounds of savings across a wide range of local businesses - there is plenty of great offers for everyone. We help you sell the membership cards and quite simply, the more you sell the more money is earned for your organisation.

Helping your community