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Fundraising with Spot On Savings


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Fundraising @ Spot On Savings

As a nation, we are one of the world's most generous countries. Our people and are businesses like to do something positive in support of good causes, and supporting our local community is an activity that a high proportion of people are happy to do. We recognise that the community working together is good for everyone.

Spot on Savings is successfully helping raise funds for local schools, community groups, and Charities. It's one of the best ways to fundraise. It is quick, easy and profitable and involves no risk or upfront investment at all. Every membership card sold earns you a minimum of £5 - £10 to help support your good cause and reach your fundraising goal.

We supply you with a fundraising pack containing stock of Spot on Savings Membership cards, each one offering hundreds of pounds of savings across a wide range of local businesses - there is plenty of great offers. We help you sell the cards and quite simply, the more you sell the more money is earned for your organisation.

We've operated fundraising campaigns like this for many years and we know what it takes to maximise sales with minimal effort.

We'll also shout about you on social media, reaching out to more people who might be interested in supporting your organisation whilst at the same time helping those who buy the book save money with hundreds of great money-saving deals.

You earn a minimum of £5 with every membership card/app you sell and for every membership card/app we sell online on your behalf.

Charity Registration

If you would like us to consider your charity as one of our fundraising partners then please fill in the form below and we'll get in touch to find out more.

(tell us a little about your charity)

I agree to the Terms and Conditions of this service and consent that my details can be held in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
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